North Central
Planning Council exists in order to
better coordinate and facilitate the provision of economic and social
opportunities to residents within the counties of Rolette, Towner, Cavalier,
Benson, Ramsey and Eddy by assisting in planning for orderly development,
improvement and conservation of the planning district, its people and resources
North Central Planning Council was first organized in 1972 as a non-profit corporation by County Commissioners and Soil Conservation Districts in the six counties of Region III. Additional members were added to its governing Board to include cities, Indian reservations and private citizens to met Federal requirement for accepting funds. Over the years NCPC has evolved from primarily a planning organization to a development organization.
Organized as North Central Resource Conservation and Development Council with the Constitution and By-Laws being adopted on October 20, 1972. Received Certificate of Incorporation from the State of North Dakota on July 10, 1974. Authorized by Internal Revenue Service as a 501 C(4) on March 3, 1975. Changed name to North Central Planning Council September 10, 1975.
Organized as North Central Resource Conservation and Development Council with the Constitution and By-Laws being adopted on October 20, 1972. Received Certificate of Incorporation from the State of North Dakota on July 10, 1974. Authorized by Internal Revenue Service as a 501 C(4) on March 3, 1975. Changed name to North Central Planning Council September 10, 1975.